Government Transparency & Accountability image

Government Transparency & Accountability

Tracking money in politics and government, disclosing public information about bills and policies, and ensuring governments are held accountable

Public Service & Civic Engagement Subcategories

Government Transparency & Accountability Organizations


An intergenerational, multi-racial, nationally recognized community organization, UPROSE promotes sustainability and resiliency in Brooklyn's Sunset Park neighborhood through community organizing, education, indigenous and youth leadership development, and cultural/artistic expression. Central to our work is advocacy to ensure meaningful community engagement, participatory community planning practices, and sustainable development with justice and governmental accountability. As lead advocates of climate justice, UPROSE views the just urban policy—ranging from transportation to open space—as the heart of climate adaptation and community resilience.
Climate Change
Public Service & Civic Engagement
New York, NY
ProPublica Logo

ProPublica is an independent, nonprofit newsroom that produces investigative journalism with moral force. We dig deep into important issues, shining a light on abuses of power and betrayals of public trust — and we stick with those issues as long as it takes to hold power to account.
Public Infrastructure
Public Service & Civic Engagement
New York, NY
United Today, Stronger Tomorrow - Communities Respond to COVID Logo
United Today, Stronger Tomorrow - Communities Respond to COVID

United Today, Stronger Tomorrow is a national pilot project that identifies constituencies and institutions impacted by COVID and tests innovative organizing efforts to connect them to both short-term work developing and implementing equitable COVID response policies and longer-term advocacy work that will create a more democratic, equitable, racially just, healthy, and environmentally sustainable post-COVID world. We are currently developing projects in NY, IN, CO, and a regional project in the upper Midwest.
Human Rights & Equality
Health & Well-Being
Partners & Advocates
Denver, CO, USA
Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse Logo
Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse

The Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse, a project of the Law School, is seeking a 20-hours-per-week, remote within the United States (if desired) full-stack developer to work on a full-site revamp and additional development projects, for a term-limited (though possibly renewable) two-year appointment. The developer will work on both the front- and back-end of the Clearinghouse, a document and data repository with whose front-end application has over 15,000 public users per month and whose back-end coordinates over 50 student and staff contributors per year. The Clearinghouse is currently in the midst of a migration from existing technology to a new Django web application, and to a new host, using AWS RDS and S3.  Responsibilities for the developer will include some system administration, but the majority of the role will be development and refinement of front- and back-end applications, including creating (new) APIs.
Partners & Advocates
Human Rights & Equality
Ann Arbor, MI, USA

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