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Review and republish Data Security and Protection Toolkit for Social Care

Date & Time

April 16, 2024, 9 a.m. - April 16, 2024, 10 a.m.






Digital Care Hub

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Review and republish your Data Security and Protection Toolkit

The Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT) is an online self-assessment tool to help adult social care providers in England to store and share information safely.

Because things change, you need to review and republish your toolkit every year so that it reflects your current data and cyber security arrangements. For example, you may have introduced new staff, data systems, technology or services – which in turn will impact on how you manage your information.

This webinar is for care providers who have published before, and are reviewing and republishing their DSPT.

It will cover what has changed within the Toolkit for 2023/24, as well as how to:

• Login to your DSPT account

• Review your DSPT – including what is different if you were previously published at Entry Level or Approaching Standards

• Complete to at least Standards Met

• Publish your DSPT standard

• Access free, official support from the Better Security, Better Care programme.

For further information visit the DSPT pages on