Substance Abuse & Addiction image

Substance Abuse & Addiction

Providing support, education, and treatment for those struggling with addiction and their families

Health & Well-Being Subcategories

Substance Abuse & Addiction Organizations

Workit Health Logo
Workit Health

Start addiction treatment in seconds with board-certified doctors, therapists, and coaches over live chat and video.
Health & Well-Being
Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Hamilton, NJ, USA
Lafayette, CA, USA
Bakersfield, CA, USA
Wayspring Logo

A new way to wellness for people living with substance use disorder.
Health & Well-Being
Nashville, TN, USA
Boulder Care Logo
Boulder Care

We’re a group of caregivers, builders, scientists, and advocates on a mission to deliver the world’s most advanced opioid addiction recovery plan.
Health & Well-Being
Portland, OR, USA
Downtown Emergency Service Center (DESC) Logo
Downtown Emergency Service Center (DESC)

Housing & Health to End Homelessness
Human Rights & Equality
Health & Well-Being
Poverty Alleviation & Economic Development
Seattle, WA, USA

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