Infectious Diseases image

Infectious Diseases

Researching and addressing highly transmittable diseases that pose major public health issues

Health & Well-Being Subcategories

Infectious Diseases Organizations

Immunization Action Coalition Logo
Immunization Action Coalition

The Immunization Action Coalition (IAC) works to increase immunization rates and prevent disease by creating and distributing educational materials for healthcare professionals and the public that enhance the delivery of safe and effective immunization services.
Health & Well-Being
Saint Paul, MN, USA
Syapse Logo

Syapse partners with health systems, life sciences companies, and regulators to deliver clinical, programmatic, and research insights from the world’s largest network of health systems focused on precision medicine.
Health & Well-Being
San Francisco, CA, USA
The END Fund Logo
The END Fund

Private philanthropic initiative working to control and/or eliminate neglected tropical diseases (NTDs)
Health & Well-Being
New York, NY, USA
Malaria No More Logo
Malaria No More

Malaria No More was born of a simple, startling insight: that ending malaria deaths is the best humanitarian investment we can make in the world today.
Health & Well-Being
Seattle, WA, USA
Washington D.C., DC, USA

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