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Vocational & Adult

Classes and services that help adults learn new skills or skills directly related to a occupation

Education Subcategories

What is vocational education and why is it important?

Vocational education and training are educational programs that provide individuals with the skills and knowledge to successfully enter a chosen trade or career. Vocational education prepares students for specific jobs, and teaches practical, hands-on skills that are needed for success in the workplace. Vocational education is important as it allows people to acquire the skills and knowledge they need to gain meaningful employment and to increase their earning potential.

What is adult education and why is it important?

Adult education includes learning activities that are specifically geared towards adult learners. These activities encompass courses for professional development, personal enrichment and lifelong learning. Adult education can help further professional development, provide skills and knowledge for job advancement, and can even provide a pathway for career changes. It can also help people to keep up with technological changes, develop job-relevant skills, and to remain engaged and informed citizens.

How is technology playing an important role in improving vocational and adult education?

Education Technology is playing an important role in improving vocational and adult education by offering comprehensive, accessible and flexible solutions that can be tailored to the varied needs of students. Technology-based learning solutions provide students with an efficient and effective way of acquiring and retaining knowledge, as well as the tools to foster collaboration and engagement. Technology also improves student access to educational opportunities, making it more accessible for everyone regardless of geographical location or financial resources.

Vocational & Adult Organizations

Codecademy Logo

First, we invented the best system for learning to code. Seven years and 45 million learners later, we've perfected it.
New York, NY, USA
Voxy EnGen Logo
Voxy EnGen

Voxy EnGen is a career-focused, virtual English-language education and training platform for immigrants and refugees. We help employers who want to enable their incumbent workers with critical job skills, allowing them to develop internal talent pipelines while also providing economic mobility, civic participation, and a better quality of life for their limited English proficiency employees.
Poverty Alleviation & Economic Development
Bethesda, MD, USA
Carlos Rosario International Public Charter School Logo
Carlos Rosario International Public Charter School

The Carlos Rosario School delivers high-quality education, career training, and supportive services that enable adult immigrants to realize their dreams while strengthening our community and economy.
Poverty Alleviation & Economic Development
Global Peace & Safety
Washington, DC
LaunchCode Logo

LaunchCode is a non-profit solving the tech talent gap and paving new pathways to economic opportunity through apprenticeships and job placement in technology.
St. Louis, MO, USA

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